Trends in Techno-Social Environments and Gerontechnological Innovation: A Systematic Mapping and European Initiatives

Towards an Initial Teacher Training in Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE): Theoretical Scopes and Presentation of Categories

Indigenous Women in Higher Education in STEM: A Case Study in Oaxaca

Observational Study of Experiential Activities Linked to Astronomy with CAQDAS NVivo

An empirical study of students and teaching staff’s digital competence in Western China: Based on a case study of gansu agricultural university

The impact of gender and years of teaching experience on college teachers’ digital competence: an empirical study on teachers in gansu agricultural university

Assessment of metacognition in aviation pilot students during simulated flight training of a demanding maneuver

Estudio de los factores de riesgo en menores infractores para el diseño de intervención social

Seven methods to determine the dimensionality of tests: application to the General Self-Effi cacy Scale in twenty-six countries

Correlación entre cuatro escalas de estilos de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico