What Competencies and Capabilities Identify a Good Teacher? Design of an Instrument to Measure Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions

Teachers should not only be regarded as professionals with a large amount of knowledge that they must transmit but are also expected to fulfil other functions and possess other qualities to overcome the teaching challenge. This paper is aimed at designing and validating an instrument to identify preservice teachers’ perceptions about the competencies and capabilities […]
Eye-Tracking Methods in Psycholinguistics

Language proficiency modulates L2 orthographic learning mechanism: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in overt naming

Abstract The present study investigates bilinguals’ capacity to rapidly establish memory traces for novel word forms in a second language (L2), as a function of L2 linguistic proficiency. A group of Chinese-English bilinguals with various English proficiency levels were presented with a reading-aloud task, consisting of 16 pseudowords and 16 English words repeatedly presented across […]
The ephemeral nature of wording effects.

An empirical study of students and teaching staff’s digital competence in Western China: Based on a case study of gansu agricultural university

The impact of gender and years of teaching experience on college teachers’ digital competence: an empirical study on teachers in gansu agricultural university

Assessment of metacognition in aviation pilot students during simulated flight training of a demanding maneuver

Estudio de los factores de riesgo en menores infractores para el diseño de intervención social

Seven methods to determine the dimensionality of tests: application to the General Self-Effi cacy Scale in twenty-six countries

Correlación entre cuatro escalas de estilos de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico