Serra, L., Contador, I., Fernández-Calvo, B., Ruisoto, P., Jenaro, C., Flores, N., Ramos, F. y Rivera-Navarro, J. (2018). Resilience and social support as protective factors against abuse of patients with dementia: A study on family caregivers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 1132-1138 – 235

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Serra, L., Contador, I., Fernández-Calvo, B., Ruisoto, P., Jenaro, C., Flores, N., Ramos, F. y Rivera-Navarro, J. (2018). Resilience and social support as protective factors against abuse of patients with dementia: A study on family caregivers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 1132-1138

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