Digital Competence in higher education:A case study of teachers’ perception of working with technologies

Digital competence in higher education research: A systematic literature review

Digital competence in higher education: Students’ perception and personal factors

Nurturing Grandchildren With Down Syndrome: A Qualitative Study on Grandparents’ Needs Using Digital Tools†

A didactic unit for the evaluation of the use of assistive technology for access to computers in occupational therapy

A research into the students’ perceptions of technology and inclusive education

Meta-análisis sobre el efecto del software educativo en alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales

Nuevas tecnologías en personas sordas signantes: los sistemas de intermediación por vídeo

Competencias relacionadas con la tecnología en estudiantes de máster en estudios sobre el lenguaje, la comunicación y sus patologías

Psychosocial impact of assistive devices and other technologies on deaf and hard of hearing people